“Psalmody, bringing about choral singing, a bond, as it were, toward unity, and joining people into a harmonious union of one choir, produces also the greatest of blessings: love.” Saint Basil the Great, Exegetic Homily 10
St. Nicholas Choir
Led by Stefanos Georgousopoulos, our choir is dedicated to singing and chanting Orthodox Church music in a manner that enhances the liturgical experience.
Participating in divine worship services as a choir member is a sacred responsibility. Choir members offer their God-given talents to the faith for a variety of reasons. For most, it is a part of their stewardship – the giving of their “time and talent” and something that they enjoy. In Orthodox services, choir members represent the laity, responding to the liturgical dialogue set by the priest. This places a sacred responsibility on them during our worship services. They are called to be knowledgeable not only of the hymns and responses, but also about the correct order of the worship services, and as such the choir is entrusted to be a participating part of the worship service.
The music of the Orthodox Church is an integral part of worship services as it adds to the prayerful environment of worship. Not all choir members are trained musicians, nor are they all able to read music, however, this does not take away from their ability to give their whole heart in concert of praise to God.
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